Welcome. Thank you for visiting our Missions page.
We know the gospel has the power to transform lives and we believe God is worthy of worship. Therefore, our heart at FBC is to see lives made new by the gospel, for our good and for God's glory. We believe lives are transformed as the gospel is proclaimed, disciples are made, and churches are planted.
Our goal is to see people become healthy disciples that multiply other healthy disciples, which in turn establish churches that multiply into other healthy churches.
Missions Partners
Local Missions Partners
Charleston: The Edney Family
Water Mission
Lifeline Children’s Services
Lowcountry Pregnancy Center
Monday Night Missions
Global Missions Partners
Guatemala: The White Family
South Asia: The Varghese Family
South Asia: S & L
Let’s work together.
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!